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Alex Vaucrosson Game Designer








 ♦ Cell:


 ♦ Email:   

 ♦ LinkedIn: 

 ♦ Location:

 Oakville, Ontario

 ♦ Agile Game Development

 ♦ Systemic Design Thinking

 ♦ Creative Problem Solving

 ♦ Group Facilitation

 ♦ Clear Communication

 ♦ Adapting

 ♦ Inclusivity

 ♦ Collaborating

 ♦ Contingent Planning

 ♦ Feedback Evaluation

 ♦ Play-testing Analysis

 ♦ Unity Engine   

 ♦ Unreal Engine   

 ♦ C# Programming

 ♦ Divinity: Original Sin 2

 ♦ Dungeons and Dragons

 Manage several campaigns   

 ♦ Other TTRPGs

 like Mage: The Asension   

 ♦ Magic: The Gathering   

 ♦ Dragon age, Fable, etc.

Game Designer experienced with rigorous iterative playtesting. Firm understanding of the agile game production pipeline. Clear communicator with strong interpersonal skills and a passion for improving games.

The Knight Arcanist - D&D 5E CUSTOM CLASS  DOC        2017 - 2018

 ♦ Created 14 page document about a custom class designed to operate within Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition system

 ♦ Class fulfills a unique role without undermining preexisting classes


Spellbound Showdown - DECK-BUILDING GAME           Summer  2019

 ♦ Developed modular deck-building card game   

 ♦ Attended weekly meetings with team of 3 to discuss next steps towards publishing   

 ♦ Designed card game with modularity in mind for replayability and emergence

 ♦ Performed public play-tests and made changes to game mechanics accordingly


Chaos Surge - CO-OP/STRATEGY BOARD GAME                Spring  2019

 ♦ Shortlisted by guest judges from Ubisoft during week long design challenge   

 ♦ Analyzed Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to design a board game around its core mechanic

 ♦ Evoked feeling of discovery by using rogue-like elements and hidden information

 ♦ Incorporated gameplay mechanics that encourage cooperative play, accommodating games consisting of 2-4 player


ApoCatlypse - ARCADE/FPS/ALT CONTROLLER                      Fall  2018

 ♦ Iterated upon game pacing for flow state and functionality of alternative controls using feedback from play-tests      

 ♦ Managed a team of 6 and maintained realistic design goals, checkpoints, and contingencies   

 ♦ Guided design process to ensure the full collaboration and engagement of a diverse team

Honours Bachelor of Game Design 2017-2021

Sheridan College, Oakville, ON


3D Animation, College Diploma 2011-2012

Herzing College,Toronto, ON    

Honours Academic Achievement Award

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